GIS LifeStyle

GIS LifeStyle

61.   Routing: Routing is a module of the GIS which is used to trace the optimal path or paths between any two or N-number of points under selection in static or real time mode. 
62.   Global Positioning System (GPS): GPS is the module of GIS used to track or position any thing on to surface using communication network, embedded technology, and workstation in real time mode. 
63.   Digital Atlas: Bunch of intelligent, informative maps enclosed in a book for reference or accessibility to those maps to various groups of information seekers. 
64.   Remote Sensing: Remote sensing is a technology which produces remotely sensed images or aerial images, this technology is often termed as Aerial Imagery. The quality of produced images through this technology could be determined by the resolution of the images e.g. 1 meter resolution (1/4000 scale) images could be sufficient for any type of analysis over rural or moorland areas but when one want to see building, roads, pavements etc of urban areas then the image should be of 25 centimeter resolution (1/1000 scale). Note: The resolution of the images depends upon the mapping requirements. 
65.   Attribute Table: In-fact this is the database of the map. The attribute table is associated with each object presented on the map.
66.   Thematic: These are the maps prepared with some special contexts. These maps represents information in the form of some themes e.g. color ranges, Pie-chart, Bar-graph, Dot-density and many more which depicts the real world information in a easy to understand themes. Note: The themes may be easily incorporated on to the map using GIS. 
67.   Vertices: The vertices are the various ends of a polygon. Note: The polygon is an irregular structure and each of its vertex represent a specific closure. 
68.   Geographic Features: The Geographic features are the various features of the earth’s surface. 
69.   Study Area: By study area here we mean to say the area to be mapped on the earth’s surface. 
70.   Geo-registration: Geo-registration is the process of registering some of the coordinates of the raster image so that the raster image of an area to be mapped could be Geo-referenced and populated with the real world or Geographic coordinates in the process of R2V conversion.
71.   Vector Re-registration: Vector Re-registration is the process of re-registering coordinates of the vector image so that the vector image of an area to be mapped could be Geo-referenced in different projection system and populated with the real world or Geographic coordinates with the respective projection system. 
72.   Screen Pixel: Screen pixel is the unit of the screen which represents any thing typed and various images on the screen. In simple term the resolution means the screen coverage and in GIS arena the resolution of the image depends on how much area a pixel is representing of the map
73.   Detection change: This term is most often used in terms of remote sensing. The detection change means changing of properties and resolution of image in two different aerially mapped image.
74.   Overlaying: It resembles to superimposing layers over the surface to be mapped. The layers could be a polygon representing county, states, country etc, lines representing boundaries, roads, rail roads network etc, point representing cities, urban agglomeration etc, and text representing annotation. The purpose of layer superimposition is R2V conversion. 
75.   Distribution: In statistical sense it resembles the distribution of an entity to be mapped over a surface e.g. mapping of potential customers over a surface, mapping of sales catchments areas etc. 
76.   3D: This means 3-Dimension of the objects to be measured on the surface. The first two dimensions could be their locational information represented by X and Y coordinate and the third dimension could be their altitude information represented by Z.
77.   3D Interpolation: 3-D interpolation means interpolating the points in 3-Dimension with their respective altitude and producing the result of interpolation in 3-Dimention. For more information on interpolation refer to interpolation.
78.   Map-to-screen: This is the process of converting map’s coordinate into screen’s pixels location. 
79.   Screen-to-map: This is the process of converting screen’s pixel location into Geographic (Real World) coordinates. This includes the process of Geo-registration. Refer to Geo-registration for more detail. 
80.    Conversion factor: The conversion factor is the factor which when treated arithmetically changes the unit of measurement from one unit to another e.g. mile to inch, kilometer to meter etc. Note: In GIS arena this is not a simple arithmetic as used conventionally, it includes various factors to be considered when conversion factor is to be applied e.g. scale of the map is the major factor affecting this calculation.